Idk if y'all know this, but I love journaling.
I've been keeping a diary since I was at least 8 years old. And since then I've filled over 30+ notebooks with my thoughts, my hopes and dreams, my heartbreaks, my triumphs
I basically have a personal library of my life story.
I'm approaching the anniversary of the day I started sharing my journal entries with the world. Plus, I’m a millennial, so I’m always feeling nostalgic. What better time to take a blast to the past and revisit with my former self?
Which brings us to the August Journaling Challenge:
For the month of August, I'll be rewinding the clock and rereading some older journal entries from the past 10 years and just checking in on where Im at emotionally.
Journaling isn’t just about getting your ideas onto paper. Our journals tell the stories of who we are, where we are, and what’s on our mind at any given point in time. Our journals are the time capsules of the people we used to be and they serve as a reminder of how far we’ve come and how far we still have to go.
I think it’s a good practice to revisit old journal entries and see if you hold the same beliefs and values, see if the same things are bothering you, and celebrate what you may have been affirming or manifesting. How is your world different than it was in the pages of the past? Are you still dating that ain’t shit nigga or have you moved on to someone who values you? Did you get the job you were losing sleep over? Do you still talk to yourself the same way?
What’s the point in doing all this inner work if I’m not going to get a progress report? (my overachiever is showing).
I hope y'all join me for what I hope is a fun retrospective challenge.
I’ve been journaling for a long time and I hope to keep journaling for an even longer time. After all, self expression and inner exploration is a life long journey. It's important to stop everyone once in a whIle and see how far you've come.
Oooh I was looking through one of my journals from last year and it seemed like a lifetime ago being so bogged down by depression and suicidal thoughts. I felt a mix of grief and gratitude because I'm 8 months free of a depressive episode and don't remember the last time I didn't want to be here!
Interesting questions to bring to old journals. I like this “assignment.” It’s encouraged me to revisit my past writing.