Finding the Right Words
Finding the Right Words Podcast
Finding The Right Words Podcast BONUS Ep. 12: ANGER

Finding The Right Words Podcast BONUS Ep. 12: ANGER

Are you sad or are you mad? 😡

Hi Hi Hi! Jolie here. I recorded an impromptu episode to discuss the utility of anger. Feeling sad does nothing to resolve a situation, it just leaves you feeling sad. Sometimes, you need to get fired up to truly get something done.

I’m always journaling so here are some prompts for you:

📝 What makes you angry?

📝 What are you going to do about it?

Please enjoy this bonus episode and stay tuned for the return to consistent content in May. I have a lot of really creative things planned and I hope you join me for the journaling journey. Thanks for riding with me, y’all. Keep writing and I’ll see you soon. 💜

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Finding the Right Words
Finding the Right Words Podcast
A journaling Substack for anyone trying to find the right words to explore their inner and outer existence.