Finding the Right Words
Finding the Right Words Podcast
Finding The Right Words Podcast Ep. 3: TRUST

Finding The Right Words Podcast Ep. 3: TRUST

There's no one on the planet I trust more than myself.

Welcome to a new season of the Finding the Right Words podcast. We’re back, baby! And we’re starting 2024 talking, thinking, and writing about what it means to trust ourselves.

In this episodes, I revisit a Christmas Day conversation with my dad, I share my resolution for the new year, and I explore themes of trust, faith, habits, and self-forgiveness.

If you feel inspired after listening to today’s episode, try out the following journaling prompts:

🎧 What does self-forgiveness look like to you? What do you need forgiveness for and how can you show it to yourself?

🎧 What are the reasons you should trust yourself more? Make a list of all the things you do really well, all the ways you’re proud of yourself, all of the reasons you are trustworthy.

Thanks for listening and happy writing! I’ll see you on Friday for a new What If…? 💭 journal entry.

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Finding the Right Words
Finding the Right Words Podcast
A journaling Substack for anyone trying to find the right words to explore their inner and outer existence.