Finding the Right Words
Finding the Right Words Podcast
Finding The Right Words Podcast Ep. 4: CLOSURE

Finding The Right Words Podcast Ep. 4: CLOSURE

You can stay stuck in your hurt. Or you can move on.

Welcome to another episode of Finding the Right Words: The Podcast! In today’s episode, we’re nerding out about one of my favorite shows ever, The Twilight Zone, and examining the importance of apologies, closure, forgiveness, and moving on. What happens when you just can’t let move on?

Here’s what we’re journaling about today:

🎧 Imagine your future self. What does moving on look like to you? What does that life look like when you’re not holding onto the pain of your past? And what steps can you take to get to that life that don’t involve another person?

🎧 What does forgiveness mean to you? How do you show forgiveness to others and how can you show it to yourself?

Thanks for listening and happy writing! I’ll see you on Friday for a new What If…? 💭 journal entry.

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Finding the Right Words
Finding the Right Words Podcast
A journaling Substack for anyone trying to find the right words to explore their inner and outer existence.