I am… learning how to be okay with being misunderstood.
I stress about what others might think of me. Am I getting on people’s nerves? Am I annoying? Am I being too sensitive? Too needy? Too much?
For a long time (my whole life, really) I was hoping to be seen and understood by everybody else when all along, I needed to see and understand myself to feel powerful, safe and loved.
So what do see? What do I think of me? Who is Jolie? For the month of February, I’ve been trying to discover who I am in the pages of my journal. Here’s what I’ve found:
I’m tired of feeling bad for being sad sometimes. I’m tired of being seen as weak for expressing my emotions. Stoicism is boring and one thing I am not is boring. This world is tough and cruel and becoming crueler and more heartless by the day. Being able to remain soft in a world that tries to be the life out of you is powerful. It’s a privilege to feel this deeply. My softness is my strength. I am the softest and fiercest I have ever been.
Do you know what I have survived? Do you know what I have fought back against? This journaling challenge has reminded me who I am and I have always been a fighter, I have always been someone who tried, who took risks, who bet on herself. I am the bravest, strongest, fiercest motherfucker you know! I can do anything. And I can do it while crying.
I am proud of myself for the way I make things, I put myself out there, I express myself with creativity and courage. You gotta be fearless, even a little delulu to live the life I’ve lived. I am not your average Jo. I do hard things.
I don’t want to spend another day feeling like I need to fix myself.
Do you know who my Father is?? *Draco Malfoy voice* When I remember that God chose me to be right here right now, when I think of all He’s provided and protected me from, how can I ever doubt myself or allow anyone to doubt me? I know who I am: I am a child of God.
I love my open heart and how I show love through generosity, kindness and sincerity. I like taking care of others. I won’t let the unkindness of the world turn my heart cold. I’m not ashamed of being who I am.
I deserve nice things and I can’t believe I ever let anyone ever convince me otherwise. I don’t have to be perfect, I don’t have to earn it, I don’t have to beg. I don’t chase anymore, I attract and I am deserving of all the good things life has to offer.
I’m real cute! 😍I love my body, my hair, my smile, my skin, my life. And I’m so grateful for this body and everything it’s been able to do and survive and recover from. From the inside out, I live a beautiful, blessed existence. I’m attractive and I attract what’s meant for me. What’s mine won’t miss me.
Throughout my life, I have experienced love and relationships that made me feel like I needed to be someone other than who I already was. I needed fixing and I needed to change to fit into their perception of a partner or friend or even family member. I know now that I am safe in my relationships because I allow myself to be seen for who I am in this moment and people can either get with it or I will get lost. I don’t waste my time anymore. My time is worth so much more than fake love can offer me.
I think a lot of us are on a journey toward healing and doing the inner work. Doing the work is all well and good but I don’t want to spend another day feeling like I need to fix myself. I don’t need to be less in order to be successful or beautiful or loved. I just need to be me, just as I am.
Who I am is enough and who I am is worthy of everything she desires.
I am not your average Jo.
Part of the reason I started this “I AM” scripting journal series was because I wanted to be… different. I wanted to be less anxious, less embarrassed, less emotional, less self conscious, less of everything I kinda hated about myself.
These last 7 days have been an exercise in reminding myself not of who I should be, but who I already am. It’s been a practice of truly seeing me, loving me, and hyping me up for everything that’s already within, the stuff I like and the stuff I’m outgrowing. It all makes me who I am.
I’m always evolving and growing and learning and unlearning things about myself. But I don’t feel pressure to be anyone other than who I already am. I am loved, I am confident, I am capable, I am proud, I am grateful, I am enough.
And I am learning (very quickly) to love who I am every day.
This journal entry was written for DAY 7 of the Finding the Right Words 7-Day Scripting Challenge. Follow Finding The Right Words on Instagram for more prompts and affirmations. Write your own journal entry and share it with me!
There’s no wrong way to journal. You just gotta find the right words. Happy Writing!
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