Day two of trying to affirm myself and I’m thinking about why this affirmation thing has always been so hard for me.
My negative self talk usually starts first thing in the morning (it’s the best part of waking up! *sarcasm*). So I’ve been trying to get into the habit of drowning out my mean thoughts with something positive. What’s helped me a lot recently is listening to devotionals in the morning just as I’m starting my day. And it’s actually been really helping to be learning and hearing inspiring Bible stories and words of love and power.
I’ve always prided myself on doing “the work.” I’ve been in therapy for years, I take my mental health meds, I journal (duh!), I’ve read so many self-help books. But today, I found myself thinking that the reason all this “self-help” has never really stuck. It’s because I’m doing it by myself and I’ve always struggled with my self. I’ve always struggled with implementing what I know through all my “work” into action.
And lately, I’ve been realizing that the only thing that has truly helped me throughout my life, the only thing that has consistently made me feel confident and capable is God. Focusing on God has truly changed the way I see myself, which in turn has changed the way I behave and think about myself.
I actually get really nervous when I talk about God. I grew up in church, I love Black church culture. Gospel music is my favorite genre! I think people look at Christians and religious people as judgmental for one thing, and that’s not without reason! I think religion is also seen as… kind of stupid, like we believe in a make believe being in the sky that’s going to solve all of our problems. But being a Christian makes me feel closer to my roots, my family, and myself. And the truth is I can’t do everything by myself. Admitting that may sound like weakness but believing God is by my side makes me feel stronger. I truly believe what the Bible says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
I know I have a habit of saying really mean stuff to myself in my head but I’m learning lately that it’s not so much about what I think about myself thatI should be focusing on. I tend to say really mean stuff in my head but what does God say about me?
God has shown me so many times in my life that I am important, powerful, worth loving and having my dreams come true. Throughout my life, I have felt protected, and supported, and blessed. Things don’t always turn out the way I want but God has not failed or abandoned me yet. If the most powerful creator of the universe takes the time to keep me safe, to make my dreams come true, to answer my prayers, if God clearly has faith in me, how can I not have faith in myself?
This journal entry was written for DAY 2 of the Finding the Right Words September Affirmation Challenge. Follow Finding The Right Words on Instagram for more prompts and affirmations. Write your own journal entry and share it with me!
There’s no wrong way to journal. You just gotta find the right words. Happy Writing!