Finding the Right Words
Finding the Right Words Podcast
Ep. 19: BEAUTY - Finding The Right Words Podcast

Ep. 19: BEAUTY - Finding The Right Words Podcast

True beauty comes from within.

Howdy! In today’s episode, Jolie is sharing her beauty routine; her inner beauty routine, that is. Inspired by Vogue’s Beauty Secret videos, she shares the steps she takes toward feeling good about herself from the inside out.

Journal prompts for the week:

📝 Share your beauty routine. How do you ensure that you’re looking and feeling good? Write out all the steps you take to feel your best on the inside and on the outside.

📝 Who is your celebrity crush and why?


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Finding the Right Words
Finding the Right Words Podcast
A journaling Substack for anyone trying to find the right words to explore their inner and outer existence.