Finding the Right Words
Finding the Right Words Podcast
Finding the Right Words Podcast Ep. 2: MANIFESTATION & PRIVILEGE

Finding the Right Words Podcast Ep. 2: MANIFESTATION & PRIVILEGE

We can’t thrive if we can’t survive. 🌺

In today’s episode, I’m ranting, baby! I’m talking (and maybe yelling and also clapping. Sorry for the audio!) about how systemic disenfranchisement prevents people, especially Black women and people of color globally, from manifesting a dream life. I’m also talking about the wellness and self-care community and a bit about my own childhood growing up in poverty.

I think this episode is worth a listen so I added a free version this week!

Being able to prioritize your self care is a privilege that not everyone has access to. And wellness habits like journaling and vision boards and positive thoughts manifestation aren’t going to change your life on their own or liberate us from poverty and discrimination and illness and abuse. The people need basic care in order to prioritize their self care. Both are important and neither can exist without the other. We can’t thrive if we can’t survive.

In that spirit, I offer the following journal prompts for us to think and write about:

🌺  What privileges do you embody that you're grateful for?

🌺 What goals do you have for next year and what concrete steps do you need to take to achieve them?

Happy writing! I’ll see you on Friday for a new GROWTH & GRATITUDE journal entry.

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Finding the Right Words
Finding the Right Words Podcast
A journaling Substack for anyone trying to find the right words to explore their inner and outer existence.