Oooh I’m looking forward to this theme! I have tried unsuccessfully for years to finish all about love and I still have not reached the finished line. Maybe that should go on my March reading list to finally get through.

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It’s a good one!

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I’ve heard! I’m looking forward to picking it back up.

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PLEASE pick it back up! I think about that book as often as men think about the Roman Empire πŸ˜… OMG! Do we need to have a buddy read??!

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We probably do. That’s how I’m getting g through The Artist Way with a buddy lol

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My take away: if you don’t love yourself… good damn luck

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I've been wrestling with the concept of "you can't love anyone if you don't know how to love yourself." I'm definitely gonna be writing about this.

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Whew, say that again, please!!!

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Love is more than a second hand emotion (I love that song, What's Love Got to Do With It).

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I like to think love is the bridge vulnerability builds from one heart to another. It's the foundation that lets us know "I am safe with you". I also reference bell hooks as my touchpoint for love and use her definition wholeheartedly because it is just so damn good -" the will to extend one's self for the purpose of nurturing one's own or another's spiritual growth."

Thanks for the read, Jolie. Be well.

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