Whew. I feeeel this. It took me so long to give myself permission to take other folks’ opinions as just that, opinions. Not fact, and definitely not law! I’m glad that moment helped you to this epiphany and dedication to change it! Excited for how this transforms you. And I also added “edict” to my word journal, had never seen it until now!

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Girl I'm still working on it!! But thank you so much for your support. 💜

Also I keep my thesaurus app OPEN, honey. I'm learning and using new words all the time haha!

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The fact that you are working on it deserves congratulations because sometimes we ignore those things as "just who we are" so kudos! And yess thesaurus.com is one of my best friendddds haha

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Amen! I never want to stop evolving. We vibrate higher daily!!

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